太阳集团官网学术报告[2024] 063号
报告题目: On the dynamic programming principle
报告时间:2024.07.11 15:00-16:00pm
报告内容:The dynamic programming principle (DPP) plays an important role in the study of the stochastic optimal control problems. In this talk, we will discuss some measurability issues arising in the mathematical proof of the DPP in this context. We will then show how to apply the measurable selection arguments to provide a rigorous proof of the DPP for standard stochastic optimal control problems under very general conditions. We will also discuss the extension of the approach for the McKean-Vlasov optimal control problems.
报告人简历: Xiaolu Tan is an associate professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Previously, he did his PhD at Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, and then worked as assistant professor at University of Paris Dauphine. His main research interest covers the stochastic optimal control, stochastic numerical method, mathematical finance, etc.